Friday, May 29, 2009

Vocabulary Fifth Week!!!


Word / Phrase: Air Brush
Meaning: a device which sprays paint with compressed air to offer a broad range of applications, from wide patches of paint to thin mists enabling precise details. Context:all Wanda Ortiz use air brush to paint her art works.

2.Word / Phrase: Acrylic
a plastic-based painting medium which, because it is water soluble, dries quickly and cleans up easily.
Context: in my mentor's office is an acrylic blackboard and she put all the events days.

3. Word / Phrase: Acculturation
Meaning: this word can describe both cross-cultural or intercultural borrowing and the process by which person acquire knowledge of the culture in which they live. Context: i saw it in one application that my mentor gave to us.

4. Word / Phrase: Archetypical
Meaning: to me this means to represent an original type after which other similar things are patterned.
Context: I hear it from Hector Canonge he is an artist that came to my internship.

5. Word / Phrase: Gallery
Meaning: to me this means a room or building for displaying works of art.

Context: I saw this word on my internship walls.